Rachel Hertzman

Hi, I'm a front-end developer bringing creative and user-friendly solutions to the web.

A little bit about me.

I'm an artist and designer who fell into tech as an easier way share my skills with the world. Through my formal education I studied fine arts, focusing on painting and art history, and I grew a deep facination for the power of a clean layout and beautiful color scheme. Check out my art portfolio page to see some of my non-digital work.

Once I learned how to code my first website there was no turning back. I fell in love with the flexibility that came with life as a coder, and the endless oportunities to expand my skillset with new languages. I love my career as a front-end developer, and can't wait to share my skills with you!

Hand-Coded HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

My focus is writing clean, well-formatted, code by hand to make sure that the content is easy to read, collaborate, trouble-shoot, and access.

Mobile-First Designs

I pride myself on writing CSS that is easy to read and build on. I focus on perfecting mobile interfaces, the most common user platforms, first, and then build off of these designs for tablet and desktop views. Mobile-first designing accounts for the user experience on all screen sizes.

Ease Converting Designs into Code

You can trust me to take a designer's design specs, and quickly & accurately convert it into a webpage that is pixel-perfect match.


jammming thumbnail

Jammming is a webApp built with React.js that allows users to create playlists on the fly by connecting to their Spotify accounts through the Spotify API. Users can search music, create playlists, and even add these playlists to their Spotify accounts.

Election Map Thumbnail

This interactive United States election map was coded with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

*Results do not reflect any actual election. Used for testing purposes only

LOL Cat clock thumbnail

LOL Cat is an interactive webApp that helps you keep track of time throughout the day with built-in encouragement and your daily dose of cuteness. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Unplugged Retreat Thumbnail

A mock-up of a mobile-first, reactive website made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Like what you see?

Let's chat.
